Hello, and welcome to my E-porfolio. My name is Ehab Rashid, and I am an Instructional Designer and Educational Technologist, focused on the design and development of engaging learning content and effective training and performance improvement solutions. Currently I work as an Instructional Designer at McGill University in Montreal, where I’m responsible for the design, development, and implementation of online continuing nursing education and executive education courses, as well as the quality assurance of the School of Nursing’s online academic portfolio. In parallel, I also work remotely as a freelance Instructional Designer for Maxeon Solar Technologies, where I design and develop E-learning courses and certifications for global sales and technical training programs. For both roles, I collaborate closely with subject matter experts, instructors, and stakeholders to align courses with learning outcomes, pedagogies, and standards. I use design tools, learning technologies, and evidence-based practices to create interactive online content, and accessible learning and training experiences.
Before transitioning to the field of Instructional Design, I worked as a Language Training Consultant, conducting specialized German and English language courses and business communication workshops with corporate executives from around the world, applying best practice instructional methods and monitoring performance through the company’s global online learning management system. My entry into the field of learning came as Learning Program Coordinator in Costa Rica. Prior to that I pursued a career in Germany in the areas of business analysis and market research, where I prepared business cases, sales forecasts, and annual budgets, gained international management and financial analysis skills, and collaborated with global, cross-cultural, and cross-functional teams and stakeholders.
I hold a Master of Arts MA in Educational Technology from Concordia University in Montreal, where I acquired a solid grounding in instructional design theory and its implementation in online teaching and learning. I also earned an MBA from the Universite Aix-Marseille in France, and a BSc and Graduate Diploma from McGill University. With English and Arabic as native languages, I am fluent in German and French, with a professional working proficiency in Spanish.
- Ehab Rashid
- [email protected]
- +438 922 0630
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